Henriette Heise, Jakob Jakobsen and N55 are working towards greater clarity.

Almost all of our thinking and behaviour is characterized by what one rightfully might call CUSTOMARY IDIOTIC CONCEPTIONS. These habitual conceptions keep us from looking the most obvious facts in the eye and from understanding even the most fundamental conditions for talking to each other at all, for example that we cannot talk about persons without knowing that by persons we understand something which have rights and that the fundamental purpose of politics is to protect the rights of persons. In this way we cut ourselves completely off from having influence on the situation in which we find ourselves. When we rely on habitual conceptions WE DO AS ONE USUALLY DOES. We do not necessarily do what we want to do or what we know is right to do, we do as we are used to do or as social conventions determine that we should do. The terrible thing is that by definition we are so used to habitual conceptions that we cannot see them. THE CONSEQUENCE OF OUR BELIEF IN HABITUAL CONCEPTIONS IS THAT PERSONS ARE CUT OFF FROM KNOWLEDGE OF WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO AND FOR WHOM OR WHAT WE DO IT. We believe that reason and habitual conceptions are identical. We believe that we are rational beings that act rationally. Still we permit concentrations of power to characterize our society. We attend to our work because we have learned to attend to our work. We concentrate on participating in the competition for a social position and thus we let concentrations of power dominate our consciousness and be decisive for our situations. WE ARE AFRAID OF LOSING IF WE DO NOT DO AS ONE IS SUPPOSED TO DO, even though the consequence is that the significance of our fellow human beings diminishes, and our own significance becomes the significance we have for concentrations of power, the growth of concentrations of power and the conflicts of concentrations of power One habitual conception is that one respects persons by failing to draw their attention to the fact that what they are doing is wrong. IT IS CLEAR THAT IT IS IDIOTIC TO ACCEPT THIS SITUATION. IT IS OBVIOUS THAT IT IS NECESSARY TO FIRST AND FOREMOST TRY TO ORGANIZE IN AS SMALL CONCENTRATIONS OF POWER AS POSSIBLE. STILL WE DO NOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT, BECAUSE WE ARE USED TO BELIEVING THAT THERE IS NOTHING TO DO ABOUT IT We call those persons IDEALISTS who say that it is possible to do something about it, because we are used to identifying change with unreal and idiotic ideologies. We call them idealists although it is really idealistic to imagine that persons who decide to do something in particular, have no possibility whatsoever of going through with anything THE THOUGHT THAT WE CAN CHANGE THINGS OURSELVES DOES NOT AT ALL OCCUR TO US. That only our own idiotic conceptions that the world can not be different keep us from trying to change the world to the better. IN OTHER WORDS: IT IS WE OURSELVES WHO KEEP US FROM WORKING AT CHANGING THE SITUATION, INSTEAD OF CONTINUING TO WORK AT PERMITTING CONCENTRATIONS OF POWER TO CHARACTERIZE OUR DAILY EXISTENCE. IF WE DO NOT KNOW THAT THE SITUATION CAN BE DIFFERENT THEN WE CAN NOT CHANGE THE SITUATION If by chance we should come across an habitual conception we are used to believing that this is something we ourselves are not suffering from. It is always something that others are suffering from, we being rational beings whose actions are governed by reason. We believe this although there is no sign of reason being a factor worth mentioning in relation to our actions. It is possible for us to find this text interesting, and at the same time be completely convinced that it is not about us. It is impossible for us to understand that what is printed here is simply right. Facts and logical relations are not real to us, because we are used to believing that there exists no objective knowledge of right and wrong. We for example believe that persons have rights because we have agreed on this, and that politics is something that can be safely left to politicians and their parties to take care of.
WE ARE SIMULATING CONSCIOUSNESS OF OUR SITUATION, ALTHOUGH IT IS OBVIOUS FOR A CHILD THAT WE ARE ONLY DOING AS WE ARE USUALLY DOING. Some even think that they can manage by using irony or making fun If one lets oneself be governed by habitual conceptions, subjective opinions and social conventions exclusively and not by facts and logical relations, one cannot change anything at all IF WE WORK FOR THE SUSTENANCE OF OUR DAILY LIFE AND AT THE SAME TIME ARE CONSCIOUS OF AND WORK FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE RIGHTS OF PERSONS, WE HAVE THE POSSIBILITY OF CREATING A BETTER WORLD.

Ion Sørvin, Rikke Luther, Ingvil Aarbakke.


Noter vedr. bioteknik

1. Menneskene har til alle tider behersket naturen, og naturen har til alle tider behersket menneskene. De tidligste processer, som menneskene beherskede, og som kan betegnes som kemiske, var enten simple reaktioner, der var opdaget ved tilfældighed, eller mere komplicerede processer, der var udviklet trin for trin over længere tid med hvert trin resulterende i noget brugbart eller dekorativt. Dog bliver disse processer først egentligt kemiske i 1800-tallet, idet de på den tid bliver kortlagt gennem den naturvidenskabelige abstraktion. Indtil da var disse processer blot praktiske, og viden om arbejdsgangen fandtes i de enkelte husholdninger, blandt håndværkere, blandt gejstlige eller andre indviede. Menneskene har helt fra begyndelsen af historisk tid, og antageligt længe inden, fremstillet pigmenter, tøjfarve, parfume, kosmetik samt vin og øl.

2. Mikroskopiske organismer spiller en afgørende rolle i naturens kredsløb, som omdannere og nedbrydere af dødt organisk materiale. Mange mikroorganismer kan af mennesket tillige benyttes ved fremstilling af fødevarer, nydelsesmidler og andre brugbare eller dekorative produkter. Da frugter, saft, mælk og de fleste organiske væsker gærer af sig selv, idet de naturligt indeholder gærceller, blev en række gærede drikkevarer og mejeriprodukter opdaget og deres fremstilling behersket meget tidligt i menneskets historie. Øl fremstilles rent faktisk gennem dyrkning af mikroskopiske gærceller næret ved sukker, som for eksempel findes i korn. Gæringen foregår ved at gærcellerne frigør energi, idet de omsætter og nedbryder sukkermolekylerne. Gærcellerne dækker derigennem deres energibehov, og sikrer derved deres overlevelse og reproduktion. Selve gæringen er mikroorganismernes stofskifte, og færdigbrygget øl indeholder deres affaldsprodukt: alkohol. Ved indtagelse påvirker alkohol menneskets nervesystem. 1-2 promille alkohol i blodet virker opløftende, 2-4 promille betyder for de fleste vrøvlende og slingrende fuldskab. Mellem 4-5 promille vil de fleste miste bevidstheden, og stiger promillen yderligere, vil åndedræts- og kredsløbscentrene i hjernen lammes, og døden vil indtræde
3. Allerede den ordning af verden, der får sit nedslag i sprogene, og som hviler på abstraktion af mange forhold og udsondring af ting fra et vidt spredt kaos, var et forsøg på og forudsætningen for at beherske og ordne naturen. Sprogene kan betragtes som former for rudimentære redskaber. Vores forfædre tiltog sig opret stilling for mindst 4 millioner år siden. Det var længe før der skete nogen substantiel vækst af hjernestørrelsen, og længe før der forekom nogen form for verbalt sprog. Disse forfædre havde hjerne i abestørrelse, omkring en tredjedel af det moderne menneskes hjernestørrelse. I den følgende periode, Homo erectus' periode, var hjernens størrelse fordoblet. Trods dette forblev Homo erectus' redskaber teknisk set uopfindsomme. Deres mest avancerede redskab var håndøksen, formet af en enkelt sten og bearbejdet på begge sider. Den er dog mere udviklet end noget redskab, chimpanserne nogensinde har benyttet. Nogle vilde chimpanser bruger hammersten, og chimpanser i fangenskab kan trænes til at fremstille og benytte primitive flintøkser. Kun efter evolutionen af den tidligste Homo sapiens for omkring 250.000 år siden er der tegn på en smule mere avanceret fremstilling af redskaber og variation af redskabstyper. Stort set forblev redskaberne og deres materialer primitive, selv efter fremkomsten af det moderne, storhjernede menneske for omkring 100.000 år siden. Det store gennembrud i teknologisk udvikling forekommer for relativt nylig, for omkring 40.000 år siden, antageligt i og med udviklingen af sprog. Hvis sproget, som den praktiske bevidsthed, er forudsætningen for mere sammensat og avanceret teknik, er for eksempel den teknik, der anvendes ved ølbrygning, udover at være en biokemisk proces, en social aktivitet, udsprunget af en eller anden form for sproglig ordning.

4. Naturlige processer videreføres og integreres i abstrakte processer. Det abstrakte sprog som menneskene benytter sig af, blandes med de processer det beskriver, og stumper af ligninger organiserer sig i og omkring materialet. Som regel dækkes materialet fuldstændigt af forskellige sprogsystemer. Der opstår med tiden en art lagdeling, hvor nye lag af materiale og gammelt sprog bliver presset sammen, forskubbet og foldet som geologiske formationer. Naturalisering af meget gamle kulturfænomener finder sted i og med at sproget som omgiver dem, eller er vævet ind i dem, eroderer og falder til bunds som grusagtigt bundfald. I forbindelse med mange modernistiske højhusbygninger rådner betonen med tiden sammen med de omgivende idé- og sprogsystemer, som var forudsætningen for husenes formgivning. Konstruktionerne fremstår efterhånden som ren natur, da de abstrakte systemer langsomt falder bort sammen med stumper af betonen, og ingen kræfter synes interesseret i at opretholde det abstrakte materiale i konstruktionerne. Tilsvarende beskrives den Anden Verdenskrig til tider som en naturkatastrofe, til andre tider fremstår den som resultatet af en række komplicerede historiske og sociale forhold.

5. Lad os antage at kunstbegrebet kan udvides til at omfatte hele spekteret af menneskefremstillede ting inklusive alle redskaber, alle menneskefremkaldte kemiske og fysiske processer og alle tekster. Dette perspektiv bringer brugbare, dekorative, poetiske og destruktive ting sammen med senmoderne institutionel kunst i samme sociale og historiske felt. Det, at verdenen af menneskefremstillede ting bliver en del af kunstens historie, er mindre interessant; det bemærkelsesværdige er, at denne anskuelse gør Bayers industriområde i Leverkusen og Vestforbrændingen i Albertslund til mægtige installationer på linie med Robert Smithsons Spiralmole i Utah og Arne Jacobsens SAS Royal Hotel i København. Dog skal man ikke se bort fra, at disse fænomener er blevet til og eksisterer i forskellige sociale og historiske rum, imellem hvilke der er kritiske spring og brud. Pulveragtig konceptualisme spredes over et plateau af nordisk folkekunst. Industrielt forarbejdede tidlige modernistiske møbler opløses i en væske af senmodernistisk puritanisme og danner klumper af seriefremstillede rækkehuse i beton. En ørken af malerier ligger hen. Tekster omdannes. Ellers stabile kunstværker opløses i sociale, sproglige og fysiske strukturer; nogle viser sig at være funktionelle i visse sammenhænge; andre bryder sammen under presset og eroderer. Konstruktive processer opstår
Jakob Jakobsen 1997


How can the concept of alienation look like in a time when work as an activity is undergoing changes, does it demand a reformulation? Must we not reformulate alienation in order to make ourselves conscious about the problem? Shall we perhaps accept that the concept is connected to daily situations or situations on the whole. How every situation could be assumed to have a surplus value but if one doesn't use it, alienation could become a fixed state. By making ourselves aware of how the surplus value is permanently present in the micro situations, alienation as a fixed state could be avoided and situations in our everyday life should instead become transformative.

Alienation as a fixed state. Maybe alienation is in the fundamental social activity, where it in micro relations and everyday situations sneaks into situations and thereby affects. How there is surplus value in everyday life situations but by habitual behavioural pattern it is not utilized.

Cecilia Wendt


Tunnel Vision

The entrance is about 2 square metres. Beside the entrance door there are 2 doors leading further into the flat. On the right of the entrance door there is a built-in cupboard. A tv is placed on the top of the cupboard, just below the ceiling. When you pass through the door on the left, you enter an approx. quadratic white room. Confronting the doorway there is a wall with 3 windows facing the street. The walls on the left and on the right are both plain white walls. The floor is made of broad wooden boards. A bench is placed across the room parallel to the windows. The bench is a simple construction without a back. It runs between the 2 plain white walls. Sitting on the bench, looking towards the entrance, you can watch a video on the tv on the built-in cupboard. The video shows a tv being assembled.

The recording of the video was carefully planned. I bought a used black and white tv at a street market. I borrowed a video camera and a soldering iron. Then I considered my further need for tools and bought a small pair of pliers. I placed a table in my study, in the area with the most of the daylight. I put the tv and and the tools on the table. Then I turned on the video camera and sat down in front of the table. It took about 50 minutes to take the tv apart. I made a backup copy of the recording and mailed the original tape. A week later I received another tape by mail. A special video machine had now reversed my original recording.

It is the second time I construct a bench for an exhibition. This time I have recycled the wood from the first bench and added some extra boards. The construction is dependent of the bench stretching between two walls. For that reason, the bench is 5 metres long, as the room is 5 metres wide. For the support of the seat I have put together 6 quadratic modules. They are made of standard laths cut in lenghts of 40 centimetres and assembled with glue and nails. The modules are placed on the floor and spaced 1 metre apart. The seat is made of 3 parallel boards of pinewood. Each board is approx. 10 centimetres broad and nailed to the modules. After the bench was finished I smoothed the rough pinewood with sandpaper. Finally I removed the dust from the bench

Henriette Heise 1997

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